Update: 17 May 2021

Today I’m making three additions.

Observations/Journal: This is the journal entry I made on 15 April 2010, the day I officially received my French Citizenship. It was on that exact date 15 years before, that I had first discovered this small area of France that was to become my home and wrote in my journal of that day, that this was the area I wanted to live in. My dream came true.

Jack Driscol: the Ex Affair — Chapter 6: Where there’s a Will — Jack begins to organize the investigation into his exwife Rachel and the attorney with whom she had a relationship even before she married her now murdered husband. Jack then takes his Studebaker on the road to try and contact Will, Rachel’s son and determine his role, if any in the murder.

Ist Trancendence: Chapters 15 through 19:

Johnathon Cross emerges from pod 178 a hybrid human, nanobiotic entity. His physical and mental capabilities have been greatly enhanced by the nanobots that took over his systems. Fred wants to destroy him but Ginger, who’s new programming installed by Fred requires her to respect all life, objects.

Meanwhile messages are exchanged between Fred and Baktor on the Neologian ship. But Sub Doleur Tranche wants to ingratiate himself with the Doleur Council and asks to be assigned to take over ship systems with Baktor reporting to him. Baktor feels he has to cut off communication with the Arcielle and be extremely careful around Tranche.