I’ve added two new stories.
The first is located under tab “Observations: Memories. Titled “In Celebration“. It is a reminiscence of birthday celebrations and my Mother.
The second is a Jack Driscol Mystery. Chapters one and two of “The Ex Affair“.
Chapter one: Regrets, I’ve had a few was written two years ago as a stand alone story in Writing Group. Jack’s ex wife shows up at his Private Investigator Office and asked for help with her divorce from Charles Gordon, her second husband who is then found dead. I picked the thread of the story back up earlier this year with what became Chapter Two: It’s me under suspicion! Jack finds that he has been set up and is charged with Gordon’s murder.
The story began to play out in my mind and on the page. It has now expanded into a novella and will be posted over the following weeks. I will add a few chapters at a time.